Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Zoo

Yesterday I went to the National Zoo. We watched fast baby cheetahs play,

saw huge elephant's get fed

and slippery seals seals do tricks.  We watched flirting flamingos

then we saw a colorful toucan. Then we herd that the baby panda died about a week ago.  after that we headed out to go home and went down the biggest elevator I had ever seen


  1. Awesome updates Tom. I would have loved to see the baby cheetah playing.

    Where are you off to next?

  2. Glad to hear you had a good time at the zoo. Where is the
    big elevator? I don't remember being on that. Did you get
    some rain yesterday? How about a picture of you in front of
    your home for this trip? The cats and fish are all doing fine.
